The Doctor’s Report 2018

Each year, after the close of the season, the NLC Chess Circle summons up what little courage it has left and submits itself to full and thoroughgoing medical examination.

Height and weight are logged. Vital signs are checked. Medication level calibrated.

(Diet and alcohol consumption are discussed, but it’s best for all concerned if we gloss over that…).

So, here is Doctor Kirby’s report for 2018. Keep taking those vitamins, chaps, they’re clearly working.

“Overall this must count as a very successful season despite finishing bottom. We set out to win a match, and we ended up winning two, including victory against the RAC. We also ran the Hurlingham close.”

“We scored 9 points as a team in Hamilton-Russell matches last season (and 3.5 of those were from Lansdowne players on lower boards). This year we scored 17 points under our own steam. We’re making progress.”

“The victories were great, but importantly we weren’t whitewashed in any matches. Mister Trivedi’s glorious victory on Board 5 vs the Oxford and Cambridge sparing our blushes in particular.”

“Player of the season is undoubtedly Mister Whiteley, who scored 5.5 out of 9 on boards 2 and 3. Honourable mentions too for Mister Dias and Mister Chamberlain.”

“As we were prioritising the Hamilton-Russell this year, we only played three Friendlies (against the Lansdowne, Hurlingham and Roehampton). All ended in glorious victory for the NLC including a tough victory against a good Hurlingham side 4-2. The Friendlies also, ahem, bumped a few people’s scores up a bit (me especially).”

“And apart from everything else, we’ve played matches, travelled to other people’s clubs and enjoyed ourselves.”

So again, use the summer wisely. For those in the Gladstone Trophy, make sure you play your matches. See you all next season!

Here’s the full record of the 2017-2018 season. 

Here is the final Hamilton Russell table.