NLC fails to Orient

The NLC made its first Hamilton-Russell Cup trip to the Oriental Club, to play the combined Oriental / East India side at the delightful Oriental building on Stratford Place near Bond Street tube.

High hopes after the Hurlingham win were tempered with the knowledge that the ORI/EIC had run the MCC close the week before. The NLC Side was almost full strength, and there was even room for a couple of friendly boards with Mister Dias and first-timer Mister Jiang doing the honours.

But the ORI/EIC had a full side out and were taking no chances. The result was a 5-1 win for the ORI/EIC, with Mr Chamberlain and Mr Widdicombe claiming draws on boards 3 and 4 to prevent the whitewash.

Keep thinking gents!

Doctor Kirby had the dubious honour of playing Sam Franklin on Board 1 (ranked #52 in the UK). The  inevitable happened in an Old Indian. By the time he’d found the right plan, the Doctor’s Q-Side was on the verge of collapse.

He’s good this Sam Franklin

Mister Whiteley had an earned promotion to Board 2. Unfortunately against the ORI/EIC this meant playing the very dangerous Yaroslav Voropayev. Mister Whiteley tried his best, but it was an easy win for the ORI/EIC.

Mister Whiteley wonders whether Mister Widdicombe has been shamming a bit

Mister Chamberlain built on his draw against the Hurlingham with a well-earned draw against I J Parry. The opponent had a dangerous advanced pawn but was short on time. A well-earned draw was the result.

Mister Chamberlain keeps up his impressive form

Mister Widdicombe had the opposite problem on Board 4 against Hamilton McMillan. He was the exchange up but was short of time. Mister Widdicombe secured the draw with a welcome return to form.

Mister Hamme lost a pawn early against Robert McClatchey and was always on the back foot. There were some drawing chances, but the opponent won through.

Mister Hamme battling for the cause

Doctor Schady rose from his sickbed to take on Callum Lee on Board 6. In his weakened condition Doctor Schady went down to defeat.

Get well soon Doctor Schady!

Mister Dias and Mister Jiang (welcome Mister Jiang!) both played on friendly boards and both lost against Peter Haddock and Habib Amir respectively.

Mister Dias in full flow
Newby Mister Jiang feeling his way in to Clubland chess

And so to dinner. The Oriental Club is justly famous for its curries and a fine time
was had by all.

Club Roast or Club Curry….choices, choices