Gladstone Trophy – the opening chapter

The 2019 Gladstone Trophy got off to a fine start on Wednesday 01 May. The evening saw three games in the first round of the all-new 5 round swiss system.

The scene set

Game 1

Captain Chamberlain vs Mister Pitt

The first game of the evening to conclude saw our Captain make short work of the debutant Mister Pitt. A tough start for the new recruit, but a very welcome addition to the Circle nonetheless.

Welcome Mister Pitt (and blame William Ewert Gladstone for the tough first game)

Game 2

The second game saw another NLC Chess Circle debutant Mister Sharland taking on the old hand Mister Giffin QC MA (Oxon). The QC won the trial.

Mister Sharland has the makings of a decent player, but tonight was not to be his

Game 3

Young Master Jacobs made the questionable choice to prioritise his university examinations over his chance of chess glory. That sort of behaviour never got anyone anywhere. He proposed a postponed game with Our Good Friend Mister Taylor. They are due to play in mid-May so their game result will be listed in the round 2 report.

Game 4

The Grand Old Man was in no mood to give the favourites an easy start, and had paired the NLC’s two top boards in the first round. A close game, but the Doctor shaded it.

Fischer v Spassky, Kasparov v Karpov, and now Whiteley v Kirby

Mister Hamme took a bye which left Mister Widdicombe as non-playing participant on the night.

Chess always brought a smile to his face

The charge for the Trophy is well and truly on.