Weakened NLC Corinthians ground down by Athens

This was the reverse friendly fixture to the narrow 3.5 – 2.5 loss in the Hamilton Russell Cup and the NLC was out for revenge. Sadly due to many defections it was only a four board match, with Miss Seiben playing her opening game of the season.

A common theme in most of the games was the NLC attacking but being vulnerable to the sucker punch. Something for us to look out for, but this is clubland chess. Sadly the Corinthian spirit didn’t match with eking out points. The NLC lost 1.5-2.5.

Ready to go
A fine place for chess

Doctor Kirby was white in a Queen’s Pawn opening against John James. From the outside things looked reasonably straightforward. The good Doctor won a pawn, advanced in the centre, secured a swift victory and went to the bar. But appearances can be deceptive! In fact Doctor K overplayed his hand and his opponent missed a saving resource which either led to perpetual check or a drawn ending. Still, they all count.

Doctor Schady played on Board 2 against the dangerous Guy Morton. Doctor Schady was a pawn up and on top, but things went wrong and he ended up losing. One of those games where there must have been a resource somewhere. Such is the lot of a chessplayer.

Bad luck Doctor Schady

Mister Hamme managed to get to the NLC despite traffic problems. He put himself on Board 3 and played white against Kester George (the Athenaeum top 3 could have played in any order). Our skipper managed to secure a draw.

Finally Miss Seiben took on Brian Gilmour on Board 4. Miss Seiben was on the attack but lost a piece. Despite a fierce counter-attack when material down, it was another point to the Athenaeum.

And so to dinner. Certainly no Spartan rations here. Dinner was Pea & Mint soup, Smoked Haddock with Mediterranean vegetables and potatoes, and a Profiterole to finish. That’s not bad.