Could have been worse

The shock when the NLC saw the Hurlingham teamsheet was palpable. Gareth Pierce on board 1, Stephen Woloshyn on board 2, Stephen Quartermaine on board 3 and Michael Yeoh on board 4. Had the Hurlingham turned up to Whitehall Place thinking it was the Hamilton Russell match rather than a friendly? No, this was just the side that could be fielded. So be it, but a long night looked in prospect for the NLC’s finest.

The match was played in the Smoking Room – perhaps the general hubbub helped to even things up a little. The NLC went down to defeat 2.5-1.5, but after close games. Under the circumstances we did pretty well, and we’ve still got a few players to come in for the Hamilton Russell match in February.

Keep thinking Gents

Doctor Kirby lost as white against former Wales junior Champion Gareth Pierce in a Budapest Gambit. It was one of those games which seemed to be going reasonably well until suddenly it wasn’t. 27 Rd7 was a blunder, but the wheels on White’s wagon were coming off well before then.

Mister Giffin QC lost to Mark Woloshyn in a King’s Indian Defence – Samisch variation (5 f3). The main action took place on the Queen’s Side. Although Black had counterplay, White got his b-pawn moving and was set to Queen.

The lower boards bring home points for the NLC

Doctor Schady secured a draw on board 3 against Stephen Quartermaine (board 1 in the corresponding fixture last year). The game see-sawed, with Doctor Schady having an early advantage, but coming under lots of pressure late on. He successfully resisted but had no winning chances, so a draw was agreed.

Mister Hamme produced the only victory of the night over Michael Yeoh on bottom board. Attempts from Doctor Kirby to elicit more information from our skipper failed. There was an opening apparently, which involved moving both pieces and pawns. That was helpful. Next time Mister Giffin QC will do the cross-examining.

The Dining Room came through too. Salad to start, Beef Stew and Crème Brulee. Very good indeed.