This was the NLC’s postponed Round 4 Hamilton-Russell match from October last year. So near yet so far. This would have been a very good result against the mighty MCC had the NLC been able to grab an additional half point. No recriminations of course for a valliant effort and a single point in the match.
The evening started well with Captain Saldanha winning the toss with the NLC’s lucky Elizabeth II Belize Dollar, a coin made available by Mister Ioannou during his recent travels to the Carribean. (It’s alright for some.) The NLC elected to play White on odd board numbers.
Board 1
No scoresheet for this one but it is understood that this was a decent battle decided on a bit of an error late on from White – unlucky Mister Khan. An MCC win.
Board 2
This is a good old tussle and a very even game, aside from 25. … Nh6? where White had an opportunity to capitalize via 26. Rc1 Be6 27. Rc7+ Kf8 28. Rxb7 Bxa2 29. Kd4 Bb1 30. Rxa7. White doesn’t select quite the correct plan and smart play from Black 26. Rd8 Be6 27. Kd4 Nf7 28. Rb8 Nd6 29. e5 Nf5+ 30. Ke4 Ne7! puts him right back in the game.
Board 3
Black does very little wrong, playing a very accurate game in this high-quality encounter.
Board 4
A massive build of pressure in the opening leads to an exciting swashbuckling encounter with Mister Burgoyne emerging victorious.
Board 5
A thrilling encounter where both challengers had chances to win the game until Mister Ioannou strikes strikes his opponent’s jugular. (N is for horsey and R is for castle Mister Ioannou, 𝛽- for your scoresheet.)
Board 6
Accurate play from Mister Yates wins the day. White blunders at move 18. … Qe8 and goes down a knight in the ensuing exchanges. Black manages to get back in the game in a material sense by trapping his opponent’s bishop on move 31. but a sequence of weak moves by Black with bishop and rook facing White’s rook pair proves too much for Black in the end. Well played Mister Yates and well done the MCC overall.
Overall very close but no cigar… NLC 2.5-3.5 MCC
NLC Dining did us proud as always, although we felt the pipes were perhaps a tad OTT, but only a tad.