There was a slight end-of-season feel at Whitehall Place as the NLC and Hurlingham assembled for their final Hamilton Russell Cup match of the season. Neither side faced the prospect of the wooden spoon so both were looking forward to some good chess and dinner afterwards.
The NLC even managed to engage in some squad rotation, bringing in Mister Chamberlain and Doctor Widdicombe. Your correspondent remembers the early days when the same six players played Cup and Friendly matches – we’ve come a long way.

Usually Cup matches between the Hurlingham and the NLC are tight affairs. Last year’s nail-biter at the Hurlingham being a perfect example. It has since come to light that Doctor Widdicombe thought that was the Friendly rather than a Cup match and didn’t understand what the fuss was all about. Ph.D. was obviously getting to his brain.
But here expectations were confounded with the NLC cruising to a 5-0 win. It should have been closer, but as with the Reform Cup match, things just went the NLC’s way. So an end-of-season landslide to send the troops off to Friendlies and the summer club competitions in good heart.
Board 1
Doctor Kirby led off as Black on Board 1 against Mark Woloshyn in a Nimzo-Indian after Captain Giffin KC MA (Oxon) reassuringly lost the toss. This was the luckiest NLC victory of the night. Despite making some mistakes in the opening White managed to get on top and won rook for knight. This jolted Doctor Kirby into life and he cleverly constructed a defensive fortress with two interlocking Knights. At one stage White had a 10 minute time advantage but this dissipated as he tried to find the win. Finally with two minutes left (against Doctor Kirby’s three and a bit) White shoved his Queen en prise, which Doctor Kirby snaffled with the speed of an Alsatian spying an unguarded steak.

Board 2
Ex-Captain Chamberlain made a welcome appearance on Board 2 as White against Hurlingham Captain Stephen Quartermaine. It was an English opening where White got on top and won the exchange on move 17, but then made a mistake on move 20 which would have returned the favour had the opponent seen it. White’s over-aggressive 39 Qh6 gave Black a chance to win a rook through 39… Qc6+ but luckily this was missed in time trouble. The move played 39..Qf5+ had no follow-up checks so White won the game.

Board 3
Captain Giffin KC MA (Oxon) was Black on Board 3 against Richard Paterson. Unusually he faced a Grob (1g4). Now our skipper is made of stern stuff, so he kept calm, developed normally and then took apart White’s flank attack by attacking in the centre.

Board 4
Doctor ‘100 per cent’ Widdicombe was defending his perfect record in Club Chess 2022-23 as White against Chris Clark on Board 4. Doctor Widdicombe put plan A to work against the Najdorf – hold the centre, don’t let Black play d5 and attack on the K-side. The highlight of the match was a bishop for two pawns sacrifice which blew away the black King’s pawn guard and let Doctor Widdicombe through the front door. He’s going well.

Board 5
Mister Ioannou was Black on Board 5 against Hurlingham veteran Philip Fleury. After trading pieces early White advanced a pawn down the centre of the board. This should have been a strongpoint but ended up blocking the pieces behind it. Mister Ioannou managed to advance his rook and mopped up.

The Libs and a slightly shellshocked Hurlingham side went off to dinner. And dinner makes everything better. Carrot soup followed by guinea fowl, fondant potato and spinach definitely makes everything better, especially with NLC Club Red and Club White to accompany. So another Hamilton Russell season done, and sixth place achieved in some style. Mid-table obscurity never felt so good.