The NLC warriors headed off for Pall Mall to play last season’s title challenging Athenaeum
Club. The NLC secured three wins in 2021-22, but possibly the best result was the 3-3 draw
against the Athenaeum. There was almost a modicum of optimism in the air, with the
NLC fielding a strong side. Ex-Captain Chamberlain made a welcome return and it’s not bad
when we can field Mister Widdicombe on Board 6.
However optimism hit reality fairly quickly. The Athenaeum was also fielding a full strength
side under new Captain David Shankland. The tenor of the match was established with the
Athenaeum pressing and winning, and the NLC defending and mostly losing. A late victory
for Mister Widdicombe improved the scoreline to 2-4 which gave it a vague air of
respectability. In truth the better side won comfortably.

Board 1
After Captain Giffin K.C. M.A (Oxon) did his duty and lost the toss (again), Doctor Kirby
settled in as Black for his annual chess lesson versus Peter Lee (British Chess Champion
1965). In a Reti opening, the Doctor was insufficiently aggressive early on (5…Bxf3 was
better, preparing to meet 6 Bxf3 with …e5). That set the tone with White pressing and
gaining space with Black unable to free himself. The Doctor made mistakes late on, but even
with best play the ending would have been difficult.
Board 2
Captain Giffin K.C. M.A (Oxon) had White against Russell Campbell. Our legal star played
e4 and was met by the Caro-Kann, which presumably made his heart sink just a little after
his bruising encounter with Doctor Kirby. Captain Giffin K.C. M.A (Oxon) played the Panov-
Botvinnik attack but Black developed quickly and then played …e5 to counter White’s
attempt to get a Q-Side attack going with c5. Despite complications, pieces were exchanged
in the centre and a drawn position emerged.

Board 3
Board 3 saw the return of ex-Captain Chamberlain to bolster the top order against David
Giving a report our ex-leader speaks: ‘I came out of a sort of Dutch Defence opening at a
slight disadvantage and he burst into the paltry palisade of my king with a bishop sacrifice. I
managed to hold him off at the cost of the exchange, so he then had a rook and an extra two
pawns to my bishop pair. He failed to launch an attack down the centre towards my king,
and centralised the wrong rook, so it was now I who had a slight advantage, firmed up when
I managed to snatch a pawn via an easily defended mate-threat. We swapped queens, and
the game was then mine to lose. But we agreed an honourable draw.’

Board 4
Mister Ioannou had White on Board 4 against David Steyn. After a cagey start in a Q-pawn
opening, Black advanced his e-pawn pushing White back. Mister Ioannou was on the back
foot for the rest of the match until he fell to a King/Queen Knight fork. Time to head to the bar.

Board 5
Miss Widger was Black on Board 5 against the dangerous Guy Morton. Miss Widger lost her queen for a rook early on, but dug in and made it hard for Black. After a lot of manoeuvring in which Miss Widger posed all sorts of obstacles that Black needed to overcome, the Black pieces managed finally to break through in time trouble. Stubborn defence worthy of something, but alas it was a straight loss for Miss Widger.

Board 6
Mister Widdicombe had White against the veteran Kester George, who despite his innocent
look has taken many victories against NLC players in the past. Mister Widdicombe had more
space and eventually won the exchange. In time trouble (quelle surprise) Mister Widdicombe
had to give the exchange back and the wily opponent had a good K-Side attack. Mister
Widdicombe kept his cool, rammed his a-pawn through to Queen and won the game.

The Athenaeum is generally one of the highlights of the culinary away calendar, and we
weren’t disappointed. Ham hock terrine and piccalilli was followed by sea bass fillets with
crushed new potatoes, spinach, tomatoes and peppers. Most of your five a day in one meal!
Coffee and rather excellent chocolates followed, all washed down with Macon Uchizy or
Rhone. Can’t say fairer than that.