(Editor’s Note: None of this Journal’s extensive team of reporters could attend the match, and so what follows is pieced together from Mister Giffin KC MA (Oxon)’s scrawled field-notes, made on the evening but, by his own admittance, made from afar, having spent most of the match as an unneeded reserve and hence (perfectly correctly) in the bar for the entire time. Despite the writing getting ever more indecipherable as the evening progressed and his libations increased, the Editorial Board has managed, just about, to stitch together the following account.)
The 25th of October saw the Lansdowne visit the NLC for a friendly. A hugely enjoyable evening, with what turned out to be two reasonably evenly matched sides.

Board 1
Mister Rosenbaum faced a formidable opponent in Ms Zadorozhna. She went a couple of pawns ahead early on, but Mister Rosenbaum had enough counterplay to take it all the way to the wire, finally resigning with 3 seconds on his clock to his opponent’s 60. Said Mister Rosenbaum after the game: “I was quite pleased with it and in spite of feeling on the back foot throughout – it turns out it was pretty even.”

Board 2
Miss Widger defeated Our Good Friend Mister Taylor in another closely fought contest. In her succinct summary: “I gained some pawns early on; then caught him in a trap near the end, so he had to exchange pieces and lose a rook”.

Board 3
This being a day for the grown ups to take over leadership roles, Captain Saldanha was put in charge whilst Mister Giffin was relegated to the bar; Doctor Kirby also appeared briefly to threaten a comeback but failed to secure sufficient nominations and, muttering “now is not the right time” withdrew to Tuesday Table, perhaps until 2024. Captain Saldanha lost the toss, which unsettled the markets, but redeemed himself by grinding out an impressive win over another serious Lansdowne player.
Doctor Saldanha never disappoints his fans, always finding time for a post-match interview: “Aside from my move 20. Qd6?? blunder (Qe6 of course, although I’d likely have played Kh8 – my next move having realised my error), which luckily for me Mr Schu overlooked, I was reasonably happy with my play last night. The coup de grâce was certainly satisfying but I’m not gloating too much as it could so easily have turned out differently.”

Board 4
Dr Schady returns! His appearances in matches have been fewer recently, but this jet-setting NLC stalwart flew in from representing the RAG in a match in Madrid, and immediately showed that he can still deliver for the team, with a good win on Board 4.

Board 5
And a Hamilton Russell debut! In his first inter-club match Mister Sharland drew a rather stronger opponent than might normally be expected on bottom board, and couldn’t secure the point on this occasion, but put up a creditable showing.

So overall the NLC emerged victors by the sort of narrow margin (3:2) we like to see in friendlies, and it was a pleasure to know that the Lansdowne have re-entered the Hamilton-Russell fold with a good quality side. We shall look forward to more games against them. The NLC dining-room also did us proud.
To be fair, I was at the NLC Officers’ Meeting from 6-7 so Tuesday Table was understandable respite care.
If I’m Boris Johnson, does that make Nigel Liz Truss?
P.S. Well done all
That would be consistent with my recent form.