The last Hamilton Russell fixture of the season was away at the Hurlingham Club near Putney Bridge. Matches between the two sides are usually close. The Friendly finished in a draw earlier in the season and a tight match was expected by both sides.

Part of the pleasure of an April fixture is that you get to the Hurlingham Club in daylight, so the NLC members admired the tennis courts and the various species of duck in the water.

The match began rather peaceably, with Doctor Kirby and Mister Ioannou swiftly reaching draws with their opponents. Young Master Jacobs had to concede defeat leaving the NLC a point down. Perhaps the turning point was when Mister Giffin QC MA (Oxon) was offered a draw by the Hurlingham Captain Stephen Quartermaine when the Hurlingham player had an advantage. After checking the other boards, Mister Giffin QC MA (Oxon) took the proffered half-point. Miss Widger was heading for victory being material up with an extra ten minutes on her clock and duly converted leaving the match all square.
It all came down to Mister Widdicombe on Board 6 who was material up but in a defensive position and in his usual time trouble. Brows were furrowed. Hurlingham players were gathered round the board. Doctor Kirby was wearing out the floor pacing up and down in his last Hamilton Russell match as skipper.

Down and down Mister Widdicombe’s clock ran, but finally in a Houdini-like effort he freed himself from his chains and led a pawn down the Q-side to Queen. Victory was achieved with a minute on the clock. 3.5 – 2.5 to the NLC. Mister Widdicombe saved the day!
Board 1
Doctor Kirby led off after winning the toss(!) in another Queen’s Indian against Mark Woloshyn. The Good Doctor again turned down the complication in the wild lines of the English Defence and the players settled into another Queen’s Indian. It became clear that Black was heading for safety and seeking to exchange at any opportunity. Perhaps White could have made more effort for complications, but wasn’t unhappy at another half point.
Board 2
Mister Giffin QC MA (Oxon) essayed his usual Grunfeld against the Hurlingham Captain Stephen Quartermaine. The opponent was not falling for our legal star’s usual tricks and instead shoved his f-pawn up the board to start a K-side attack. Mister Giffin QC MA (Oxon) was holding out when the opponent offered a draw when both players had around ten minutes left to avoid a time scramble. Our next Captain looked at the match situation and took the half point. In the end a smart decision.

Board 3
Mister Ioannou had another struggle against Michael Yeoh on Board 3. This time Mister Ioannou managed to live with his experienced opponent’s technique. Neither side sought to avoid exchanges and the game petered out into another draw. A good result against a wily opponent.
Board 4
Young Master Jacobs had a hard match as Black versus Richard Paterson in what was possibly the best-played game of the night. The opponent used this new-fangled ‘positional chess’ to establish a spatial advantage in the centre and then hammer away at the Young Master’s position. Eventually the opponent broke through and swiftly secured checkmate.

Board 5
Miss Widger played aggressively from the start against Robert Gordon. She managed to get her Queen into the opponent’s position early and then wild complications ensued with many pieces simultaneously en pris on both sides. Miss Widger won material and then headed for an ending where she used her material and time advantage to squeeze her opponent. Another point in the bag.

Board 6
And finally there was Mister Widdicombe who ended up in a Stonewall-type set-up with his bad Q-bishop locked behind a wall of pawns. Mister Widdicombe managed to get a break on the Q-side and get material up, but had to defend well as the opponent’s Queen and Rook penetrated his position. Mister Widdicombe managed to secure exchanges, including giving material back to get his freedom to lead us to victory.

And so to dinner. The Hurlingham does provide a good repast. Butternut Squash Soup was followed by Fish Pies large enough to power small armies. Plenty of tasty wine to go with it too.

This being the last match of the season, the NLC remembered for once to get a team photo taken