The NLC went on our annual pilgrimage to Lord’s, with the prospect of an excellent evening but almost inevitable defeat against one of the Hamilton Russell favourites. But hey, it’s Lord’s! The MCC weren’t taking chances after the NLC’s 3.5 – 2.5 Friendly win a few weeks earlier. Gary Senior and Ian Reynolds were drafted in to provide a skilful opening partnership and with Peter Rust on Board 5 a tough evening was in prospect.
The NLC side was slightly weakened with Mister Ioannou off to watch the Six Nations rugby in Rome, Doctor Saldanha chairing a meeting and Mister Widdicombe occupied with something to do with ‘Brownies’. Closer inspection revealed that he wasn’t cooking up a batch of ‘enhanced’ brownies for a dodgy Downing Street bash (not that this sort of thing would ever happen) but was taking his daughter to Brownies as it was a Thursday. Young Master Jacobs made a welcome return in the NLC middle order and Mister Dias was drafted in with the hope that the NLC tail would wag.
In the end it wasn’t a mismatch like the recent Ashes. All games went well into the second hour and were tightly fought. The MCC emerged winners by a 3.5 to 1.5 scoreline – and with a bit of luck the NLC could have emerged with a draw. A defeat yes, but defeat with honour.

Board 1
After losing the toss (needless to say…) Doctor Kirby found himself playing Black in the Caro-Kann. Home pitch for the Doctor you might think, but it was the fantasy (3 f3) version and having no modern opening theory the Doctor looked like he could be stumped. After a think, the Doctor treated it like a Tarrasch version of the French defence and played a speedy c5. Queens were exchanged early and a fairly even game emerged. Draw agreed on move 29 and half a point on the board.
Board 2
Mister Giffin Q.C M.A (Oxon) had a difficult task against World over-65s player Ian Reynolds. Our legal star was gradually worn down by a quality opponent who finally achieved a breakthrough on the K-side. Mister Giffin Q.C M.A (Oxon) blundered but the match was already lost.

Board 3
Young Master Jacobs was on Board 3 against the dangerous Nick Collacott. The Young Master decided attack was the best form of defence from the start and played the Englund Gambit (1…e5 in reply to 1 d4). It might work against a lesser player, but not against Nick Collacott. The Young Master was quickly on the back foot but he stayed in there. In the end he was a piece down but had over ten minutes to his opponent’s two minutes. Vague stirrings of NLC hope were dashed when Young Master Jacobs was caught in a mating net.

Board 4
Star of the night was undoubtedly Miss Widger against David Bates. White had a space advantage against Black’s K-Side fianchetto and started chasing Black’s Queen around. Eventually Black made a blunder and lost the Queen. Like the match vs the Reform pressure led to the opponent making a mistake. Chess imitating cricket.

Board 5
Finally the NLC had Mister Dias on Board 5 against the MCC Supremo Peter Rust. Mister Dias had opportunities to secure an advantage but some inaccurate moves gave his wily opponent a secure passed pawn and a route into Mister Dias’s position. Give Peter Rust a chance and you can guess what happened next – Mister Dias was mopped up.

And so to dinner. The MCC came through with an excellent two course repast. Chicken, mashed potato and vegetables followed by a chocolate slice. Decent supplies of tasty Merlot too. Both sides came away with something – the MCC another two points in their quest for the title and the NLC with another good performance.
Good effort NLC against some stiff opposition. Peter Rust on Board 5!?