In what many are saying is the most exciting development in Clubland in all of 2021…the NLC Chess Circle’s new chess evening for Beginners, Improvers and Returners took place on Monday November 15th.
The evening is specially designed for those that have never played before, but always fancied learning, those that might know how to play a bit, but only dabble for fun, those that haven’t played in ages and want a gentle re-entry; or casual players who just fancy a drink at the bar and the odd friendly game with fellow Club members.
The evening saw nearly ten NLC members attend to play chess with the NLC Chess Circle for the very first time, along with a smattering of the Chess Circle regulars. Some of the first-timers were complete beginners, others knew a few move, and some were fairly well advanced (and one even went on to play for the Club in a friendly against the Hurlingham club a few days later…).
But the chess was not, in fact, the most important thing. Everyone seemed to have a good time, drinks were liberally imbibed and we all met some fellow Club members we hadn’t met before. A great evening of fun, social and relaxed chess.
Awash with chess… Captain Kirby offers some tips Miss Birrane and Stefano try out a few moves What would Lloyd George play? Chess in front of an open fire. Frere Pasquet gets in on the action
The Beginners, Improvers and Returners evening is now a regular fixture. We meet every THIRD Monday of the month.
Next stop – Monday 20 December, 6.30, in the Smoking Room.
Mince pies will be freely available.