Following our glorious victory against the Chelsea Arts Club the NLC band returned to Whitehall Place to take on the Athenaeum Club. The NLC was fielding a stronger side, with new captain Doctor Kirby and old captain Mister Chamberlain returning on Boards 1 and 2. A stronger side was needed as the Athenaeum side was packing most of its usual punch, with Peter Lee (British Champion 1965) on top board. It was also welcome to see Mister Dias returning on bottom board.
An erudite slugging match ensued, and the final result was a well-earned 2.5 – 2.5 draw. These are the first points the NLC has ever earned from the Athenaeum in the Hamilton Russell Cup. Three points from two matches – perhaps the NLC can dream of mid-table respectability, or at least not finishing last.
The best part was just being there. We’ve had eighteen months of pandemic to get through, and it may not be over yet. But it was joyous to welcome old friends to Whitehall Place again.

Board 1
Doctor Kirby led off with white against Peter Lee after winning the toss (a break in tradition). Sadly, things didn’t go well (not a break in tradition).
Games between the two usually turn into King’s Indian defences. This one started as a Chigorin defence to the Queen’s Gambit but moved towards a KID-type structure, but with black’s dark-square bishop on the better defensive square d6 rather than blocking the King’s-Side on g7. White made a few ineffectual demonstrations on the Queen’s-Side but the Black attack crashed through.
Board 2
Mister Chamberlain took black in an English opening versus the excellent Russell Campbell. It’s great to have our ex-Captain and current NLC Chess Champion back. His appearances may be limited this season, but the team is better and more solid for his presence.
Anyway in this encounter White was pressuring most of the way but Black’s rook was ready to invade at the end. More importantly Black had a five minute to three advantage on the clock, so a draw was agreed.

Board 3
Form-player Mister Giffin QC MA (Oxon) played on Board 3 against David Steyn. The game started as a Scandinavian Defence, but the play quickly moved towards sharp lines, with opposite-side castling. It’s the sort of thing our legal star plays well against the Dragon. Same plan – advance pawns, open the h-file, double rooks and attack the Black King. Job done and another point in the bag.

Board 4
Young Master Jacobs played the very experienced Kester George on Board 4. There was a reminder prior to the game that Kester George wasn’t the innocent old chap he appears but a dangerous predator. The Young Master blundered a knight on move ten and despite all efforts couldn’t find his way back.

Board 5
Mister Dias played on Board 5 against Raj Persaud. Doctor Kirby instantly recognised him as the TV psychologist from ‘This Morning’ when he was “working hard” reading for his Ph.D in the late 1990s. Mister Dias was under some pressure on the b-file facing doubled rooks but the opponent missed his chance. Mister Dias came through to win.

And so to dinner…
The NLC kitchen came through with a set menu offering two choices for each course. Very tasty it was too, though two Oxford-educated members of the Athenaeum side objected to having to eat ‘Cambridge’ cream for dessert. Didn’t stop them eating it though and no complaints about the liberal supplies of Club wine either.

An excellent evening, despite the very deserved win by Nigel (Oxon) against me on board three. Thank you for the wonderful hospitality. David