NLC hopes were reasonably high heading into this five board friendly against the Athenaeum. The Hamilton Russell match had finished 2.5 – 4.5 to the Athenaeum. Last year’s friendly had also been tight.
But it didn’t turn out that way. The Athenaeum fielded a stronger friendly side than last year with David Shankland on Board 1 and seasoned Hamilton Russell players on the other boards (who could have been fielded in almost any order). Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were all great teachers, and so the Athenaeum handed out a 1 – 4 lesson to the NLC.

Board 1
After the entirely expected loss of the toss by Captain Chamberlain, Doctor Kirby led off on Board 1 against David Shankland. Black in a Caro-Kann and a draw duly delivered. So far so predictable, except that it wasn’t. Black ignored a freeing move which would have delivered immediate equality and went into a defensive shell too early. David Shankland increased the pressure, launched a sacrificial K-side attack but missed the follow-up. He was forced to seek a perpetual check.

Board 2
Board 2 was the biggest disappointment of the night. Captain Chamberlain was white in a King’s Indian against the dangerous Guy Morton. Captain Chamberlain seemed to have a positional advantage with control of e4 when it all went wrong. Our skipper indicated that the best place for the game was the fire. Would Plato approve?

Board 3
Board 3 was a clash between David Taylor and Mister Giffin Q.C M.A (Oxon). It was a King’s Indian attack with white having some pressure. Good defence and exchanges led to the draw. Many years since our legal star was a pupil, and he didn’t wish to repeat the experience.

Board 4
Board 4 saw a youth vs age clash as Young Master Jacobs (now minus the Black Death beard) played Athenaeum veteran Kester George. Young Master Jacobs played an unorthodox 2 e5 against the Sicilian. The opponent surrounded and grabbed the pawn and avoided Mister Jacobs’s K-side attack by castling Queen’s Side. It was a tight game but the Athenaeum veteran secured victory.

Board 5
Mister Sharland had a hard assignment on Board 5 against John James, who played on Board 1 in last year’s friendly. Mister Sharland fought well but lost a piece. The good opponent methodically converted this into victory.

The NLC managed to demonstrate some expertise over dinner. Three courses and plenty of vegetables to aid our brain development. Unfortunately this was counter-balanced by the significant number of brain cells destroyed by the copious supplies of NLC Club Red. Still the Athenaeum weren’t complaining.