Thursday 18 July saw the fourth annual summer blitz competition – the famed NLC Kennedy Cup.
Five speed chess enthusiasts locked horns: Mister Widdicombe, Mister Whiteley, Doctor Kirby, Mister Mason and Doctor Hamme.
The action was, as ever, fast paced and furious. The early games made up for in enthusiasm and speed what they lacked in quality – with a number of very early and often inglorious endings.

A particularly pleasing aspect of the night was the reemergence of Mister Hugo. He played for the Ming Vase a couple of years ago but had since fallen into the trap of prioritising paid employment over chess play. Realising his error he came to repent over the 64 squares. Welcome back Mister Hugo – the Hamilton Russell season beckons…

After five rounds of furious back and forth the first half of matches was complete. At the halfway point the three times blitz Champion had not let a single finger slip from his iron-hard grip on the Cup – Doctor Kirby had won all four of his matches. Next came Messers Widdicombe and Whitelely, jostling for second with 2 out of 4 each. Doctor Hamme and Mister Mason had a point each.

Refreshment was in order, so a drinks break was called. Suitably refreshed and refocussed, battle recomensed.
As pieces flew, games were fought and rounds finished it became clear that Doctor Kirby would be triumphant once again. He duly finished with a supreme 8 out of 8, with Mister Whiteley second after securing 5 out of 8, Mister Widdicombe on 4 and Doctor Hamme and Mister Mason on 1 each. Well done Doctor Kirby. Back to your mantlepiece the Kennedy Cup goes.

But whilst Doctor Kirby came first, it was Mister Whiteley who was the true victor of the night. After building up a strong position over a number of years, he took the initiative and played a series of precise tactical moves that led to him trapping and taking his own queen. Without doubt a sequence worth of a !! annotation. The wedding is due next year.

So hearty congratulations to Mister and (the soon to be) Mrs Whiteley from all of us at the NLC Chess Circle. We sincerely hope that together your combinations may be long and theoretically sound.
A suitably nutritious affair for the exhausted speed-pugilists.