All square in a friendly encounter with the Roehampton

This year sees the NLC return to friendly matches, having only played competitive games last season. And it’s nice to have them back. Less angst over the result, far more bonhomie throughout.

The Roehampton were welcome guests to the Clubhouse on Wednesday 17 October, bringing a four board team.

The stage is set

The top two Libs didn’t cut it, the lower two did, so honours were duly split between the team.

Mister Giffin QC faced a stiff Sicilian

Mister Giffin QC made his board 1 debut against David Oppenshaw. He went for the throat early with 7. g4 and found himself the exchange up by move 15. But the continued aggression with 15. h4 was too much and the game turned quickly.

Mister Widdicombe got off to a decent enough start against Ian Fishwick, and at one point in the early game was up by 10 minutes on his opponent. Yes, a whole 10 minutes. Unheard of for Mister Widdicombe. But such rapid play was his undoing, and an unwise 15…Bd7 gave up his advantage and he missed the simple 19. Rad8 to keep level. Despite being a pawn down he fancied his drawing chances, and indeed the chance came, but finding the subtle 47…Ke3 was beyond the Lib board 2.

Mister Jacobs turned out for his second game in NLC colours (his first being the reverse fixture from last season). He’s making a speciality out of defeating the Roehampton, and had time for a few friendlies after the conclusion of the main game. Well done sir.

It was not only the friendly matches that made their welcome return. Our Good Friend Mark Taylor also covered our board 4, and put in a sterling effort to deliver a quick victory, as is his habit.

And then to dinner. Which was so good I can’t remember what it was, and forgot to take a menu card. The Bakewell Tart was particularly special.