Lack of form vs Reform

The first Hamilton-Russell match of the new season saw the NLC return to its roots at the Reform Club. Many NLC players have trod the social chess circuit to the Reform, and enjoyed the beautiful architecture and the welcoming company.

This is why we play the game

But this was business.

The Reform fielded a strong side. Any team with Nicholas Cron on Board 5 has to be taken very seriously. Even though the NLC had its full side out, we just couldn’t match the opposition. The games were tight-fought, but the Reform just kept coming out on top.

The match finished 2-5 to the Reform Club with a default on bottom board.
The NLC now has a run of five friendlies until our next Hamilton-Russell fixture at the end of November against the Athenaeum. Let’s get the practice in gents – we will need it!

On board 1 Doctor Kirby started well, drawing with Peter Evans as White in a Grunfeld Defence. White has more space but Black has good bishops fighting back against the White centre. The game was at the stage where White either had to push on and take risks, or sue for peace. Both sides accepted a draw by repetition.

Mister Whiteley paid for a lack of match practice against the fast improving Mark Glover. Mister Whiteley’s King’s Indian seemed to be going well, but a blunder and the match was lost. Bad news chaps, Mister Whiteley thinks he’ll have to play the Gladstone trophy next year to keep his hand in over the summer!

Mister Whiteley and Mister Chamberlain back in the swing

Mister Chamberlain lost to Hamilton-Russell Cup Secretary Danny Rosenbaum.


Said Mister Chamberlain after the game: “Some sort of Dutch opening where, despite my extra space, my opponent eventually gained an edge after my premature push on the King side, and I blundered into a knight fork to give the game away. Things can only get better….”. We’ve all been there.

Mister Giffin QC had a hard start to the season, being ground down by Richard Saunders in an ending. Hopefully he’ll come on as the legal term extends towards winter.

Better luck next time Mister Giffin QC

On Board 5 Mister Widdicombe showed an impressive return to form against the dangerous Nicholas Cron, who is temporarily on lower boards due to a loss of form. Mister Widdicombe managed to get a piece up when his old enemy time trouble re-emerged. The opponent generously conceded a draw when Mister Widdicombe had 20 seconds left on his clock.

Mister Widdicombe thinking…and thinking…again


On Board 6 Mister Hamme made short work of social chess stalwart Benedikt Koehler as Black in a Ruy Lopez. Our skipper showed the attacking play which nearly landed him the Kennedy Cup trophy

Who is this attacking genius…and what has he done with Mister Hamme!

Board 7 was a bit of a mystery. Mister Jiang was slated to make his Hamilton-Russell Cup debut but failed to attend due to illness. But he would have been paying the underrated David Saunders. One to the Reform.

And so to dinner. Fish Pie (or pork and broccoli for the non spud-eating Doctor Kirby), followed by Apple Crumble and Custard. A comforting dinner for a meeting of old friends.